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  1. 게시판
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게시판 상세
제목 Boca Raton Community Church
작성자 엔젤음향 (ip:
  • 작성일 2010-09-23
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 161
평점 0점


 The center cluster is flown in the proscenium and includes three

 SH-50 full-range loudspeakers and four TH-115 subwoofers.

 Twelve SH-100s are distributed around the auditorium, along with

 two SH-100s for choir foldback. Besides the awesome performance

 of the Danley loudspeakers, the advantage in the installation is that

 the speakers are hidden instead of hanging out in the open.

첨부파일 d4563a3fcc9ab64d1d371beab31e77bd.jpg , 0ca114c86f77cf6a6dba1edc7d994a0c.jpg
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